Elkton Preschool

We are excited to offer a positive and nurturing environment for our youngest students to participate in school readiness. Please note that the preschool at Elkton Charter School acts as a hub for the Preschool Promise Program. Our space is limited to 17 total students and is a combination of students whose families qualify financially through the Preschool Promise Program and students whose families exceed those financial qualifications.

Steps to Elkton Preschool Enrollment

  1. Please contact the Elkton Charter School office at 541-584-2228 ext. 200 regardless of application qualification so we can post you to preschool contact list and our class wait list.

  2. All families must then complete the preschool promise application. If your child is new to Preschool Promise, please complete this application for new students. If you have a returning student to Preschool Promise, please complete the application for returning Preschool Promise students. Even if you believe you will exceed the program financial qualifications, an application will need to be completed.

  3. Determinations of space may not be announced until late August/first of September and notification will come from the ESD preschool hub.

Should you have any questions regarding the Preschool Program, please visit the Preschool Promise FAQs webpage.

Please feel free to call the Elkton Charter School to discuss our preschool. We are happy to help you navigate the process

(541) 584-2228 ext. 200